Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday links. « Fred Klonsky

Sunday links. « Fred Klonsky:

Sunday links.

Life in Rahm’s Chicago. Photo: Bret Jelenek
John Dillon’s pension vocabulary of the weekTribune. I’m still having trouble with the link to John’s blog site on my sidebar. Damn WordPress! But here it is. This week John explains how the Tribune is no tribune.
Overheard at the Woody Guthrie one hundredth birthday party at Chicago’s Metro last night. “Didn’t you know Woody when he was a kid?” And that was said to me!
It’s a warm sunny Sunday in Chicago. A perfect day for a demonstration. As the great Cub Ernie Banks would say, “Let’s play two!”
Some say this is NATO weekend in Chicago. But I say it’s Tom Morello weekend in Chicago. Morello, who used to be with Rage Against the Machine, performed for the thousands of nurses in Daley Plaza on Friday, at the Woody Guthrie memorial concert last night and will be at Butler Field in Grant Park this morning before the