Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stop the Campaign Against Public Schools! « Diane Ravitch's blog

Stop the Campaign Against Public Schools! « Diane Ravitch's blog:

Stop the Campaign Against Public Schools!

My review of the Council on Foreign Relations’ report on US public schools as a “grave threat to national security” is now available online. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2012/jun/07/do-our-public-schools-threaten-national-security/?page=1
I hope it is widely read. I urge everyone who reads it to send it to their friends and colleagues.
The report I reviewed was written by a task force chaired by Joel Klein and Condaleeza Rice. I believe the report is part of a campaign to undermine public education. Public education needs constant improvement, of that there can be no doubt. But it does not need to be disparaged and demeaned as a national security threat.
As I say in the review, the real threat to our future is growing poverty and income inequality and intensifying racial isolation. The report mentions these issues but fails to offer any suggestions to reduce their negative impact on