Sunday, May 6, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Career + Technical Education in SPS

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Career + Technical Education in SPS:

Career + Technical Education in SPS

This is a long overdue thread but one that deserves two threads.  This first one is about what SPS is doing and their great director, Shep Siegel.  The other one will be about national CTE and new efforts to revive.

Vocational ed?  Do we all remember this from high school?  The shop teacher with the missing fingers?  The guys who took auto shop to learn to rev up their cars?  We have come a long way and luckily Mr. Siegel is creating the SPS program to have more current programing AND appeal to a wider number of students.

And why?

We all know that students should graduate ready for college or career (as well as ready to be citizens of this country).  What is the reality?  A high drop-out rate, kids who either don't want to go to college or may not be able to afford it and fewer job options for students with just a high school diploma.

Career and Technical Education gives kids options.  Gives them a reason to stay in school.  Gives them the hands-on training that many kids crave, not only in academic subjects but in training that they can see as a 

How To Fund Education In Washington State

Gregoire - new state income tax only for education
McKenna - more effective spending and slower growth on other state government spending
Inslee - improve the economy with a jobs plan and more efficient management/changes to state health-care system to save money to use for education.

Both Inslee and McKenna spoke to the WSPTA convention.  From the Times' article:

I guess McKenna got his daily talking points fax because it's the same words we've all heard hundreds of times:

"Charter schools are not a panacea, they are not a silver bullet," he said. "I just think they should be one tool in 

Got a Musical Kid who Loves Films or Video Games

Interesting story in the Times about the Seattle Film Institute's film-scoring program - something of interest to those with musically inclined students