Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Schools Matter: A Cog in the Wheel of Charters in Connecticut

Schools Matter: A Cog in the Wheel of Charters in Connecticut:

A Cog in the Wheel of Charters in Connecticut

Finally, a modicum of sanity in the insane asylum of education deform has emerged in Connecticut  over turnaround schools. It appears  Senate Democrats did their homework and stopped drinking the ALEC Kool-Aid. Instead, they are proposing charter schools should not be a solution for any school turnaround plan because they only lead to further privatization and are no better than public schools.

Charter school advocates in Connecticut are "stunned and angry." They can barely hold back their rage over the Democrats refusal to provide an "excellent" education for these poor, underprivileged children who could benefit from a for-profit charter or KIPP chain gang school. Instead, the Democrats argue charters are not the solution and have suggested people read Kenneth Saltman's upcoming book on the failure of corporate school reform.
Could these Democrats be onto something?  Let's hope this book is the one that finally breaks the camel's back and ignites the fire on the dry grass of corporate education reform  so that this wasteland of test prep and chain gang schooling might blossom into something beautiful.

Just imagine if the discussion over school reform in statehouses all across the country actually turned to reality-