Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Reformers’ Narrative Is Wrong « Diane Ravitch's blog

The Reformers’ Narrative Is Wrong « Diane Ravitch's blog:

The Reformers’ Narrative Is Wrong

In a commencement speech, Richard Rothstein challenged the reform narrative.
First, he demonstrated that the central thesis of “reform” is wrong: American public education is not failing.
Second, he demonstrated the dramatic progress made in recent years especially by African American students.
Third, he challenged the “reform” claim that scores are influenced solely by teachers.
Fourth, he demonstrated that social and economic conditions have a strong influence on test scores.

The Reformers’ End Game?

Does anyone know what the reformers’ end game is?
What do they think will happen to students and schools and the quality of education if they achieve their goals?
How will education get better if teachers live in fear of termination without cause?
How will education get better if standardized tests are the sole measure of success?
Will the “best and brightest” flock to teach if they will be rated by the test scores of their students?
Will the “best and brightest” stay in