Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Politicians: on teacher appreciation day, keep empty words to yourself! « Parents Across America

Politicians: on teacher appreciation day, keep empty words to yourself! « Parents Across America:

Politicians: on teacher appreciation day, 
keep empty words to yourself!

Here is a powerful letter reprinted from today’s Syracuse 

This week is the annual celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week. Politicians of every stripe and school superintendents everywhere will write letters and make proclamations stating how much they value the service and dedication of teachers everywhere. All of these words are empty and merely paying lip service to something they do not believe. By their actions, these ”leaders” have made it obvious that they neither appreciate, admire, respect nor comprehend the jobs of the people who spend their days with the nation’s children. Nor do they understand the first thing about the children in those classrooms.
On every occasion possible, they talk about incompetent and ineffective teachers as if they are the norm instead of the rare exception. They create policies that tie teachers’ hands, making it more and more difficult for them to be effective. They cut budgets, eliminate classroom positions, overload classrooms, remove supports, choose ineffective and