Monday, May 28, 2012

NYC Educator: Sorely in Need of a Teacher

NYC Educator: Sorely in Need of a Teacher:

Sorely in Need of a Teacher

Heroic captain "Sully" Sullengberger has written a new book, in which he praises several Americans he perceives as heroes.Included in his list is former DC Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee. Firstly, I'm somewhat stunned that this former pilot is an authority on education. For one thing, he hasn't got as much money as most "experts," like Gates, Broad, or Rhee Herself.

I'm trying to recall the last time a teachers were queried for their opinions on landing planes. Nothing comes to mind, and for that I'm grateful, as I have no idea how to do so. I'm afraid I put as much faith in Sullenberger's notions of education as my own on aviation--which is to say none whatsoever. Things are tough for pilots nowadays. It's tough for them even to get by.

Sullenberger himself has been active in trying to improve conditions