Tuesday, May 8, 2012

National Teacher Day Gives Us a Chance to Say 'Thanks' - Education - GOOD

National Teacher Day Gives Us a Chance to Say 'Thanks' - Education - GOOD:

National Teacher Day Gives Us a Chance to Say 'Thanks'

Today is National Teacher Day, and thanks to the #thankateacher hashtag on Twitter, America's superhero educators are getting the public recognition they deserve. Hundreds of tweets say things like "If you can write your name, #thankateacher," "If you followed your dreams, #thankateacher," and "If you can read, #thankateacher," showing teachers that their hard work matters.
Celebrities are sharing their appreciation, too. Former NBA star and current ESPN analyst Jalen Rose tweeted"Teachers not only have to propel students learning but also have to be baby sitters, counselors, social workers & role models!", while New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow, whose mother was a career teacher,tweeted "To the teacher who taught me what it means to be a teacher: My mama. Everybody’s mama."
In a recent column, Blow wrote that his mother "cared about her students like they were her own children," to the