Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: SOS EARLY CHILDHOOD WEBINAR

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: SOS EARLY CHILDHOOD WEBINAR:


Save Our Schools Webinar Early Childhood Educators Say “No!” to Standards and Tests

June 1, 2012, 9 PM Eastern Daylight Time [EDT}
Please Join Us!

Nancy Carlsson-Paige is a professor of early childhood education at Lesley University where she has taught teachers for more than 30 years. Professor Carlsson-Paige was a founder of the University’s Center for Peaceable Schools. Since the mid-1980′s, Nancy has written and spoken extensively about the impact of violence, especially in the media, on children’s lives and social development, and how children learn the skills for caring relationships and positive conflict resolution. She has written five books and numerous articles on media violence, conflict resolution, and peaceable classrooms and schools. Her most recent book is called Taking Back Childhood: A Proven Roadmap for Raising Confident, Creative, Compassionate Kids. Nancy is an advocate for policies and practices that promote children’s well being and encourage skills and attitudes that further peace and nonviolence.

Deborah Meier
 is a senior scholar at NYU’s Steinhardt School, and Board member of the Coalition of Essential Schools, FairTest, SOS and Dissent and The Matopm magazines. She spent 45 years working in K-12th grade public schools in New York City (East Harlem) and Boston (Roxbury) including leadership of several highly successful small democratically run urban schools–the Central Park East schools and Mission Hill. Her books include The Power of Their Ideas and In Schools We Trust. In 1987 she was the first educator to receive a McArthur “genius” Award and currently blogs for Ed Week with Diane Ravitch (Bridging Differences.)

Another look at Rahm's Texas model

Mike Klonsky at Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog - 1 day ago
*"If you start in the Chicago Public School system in kindergarten," offered Rahm, "and your cousin lives in Houston, and you both go all the way through high school, the cousin in Houston spends three more years in the classroom." *-- Rahm Emanuel* * Romney's ed adviser and former Houston Supt. Rod PaigeChicago's mayor, in his demagogic appeal for a longer (not necessarily better) school day, is fond of holding up Houston, Texas as his model. This piece in the Texas Observer details some of the reasons why Houston schools and Texas schools in general, may work for some of their s... more »

"Hey hey. Ho ho. Rahm Emanuel has got to go!

Mike Klonsky at Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog - 2 days ago
Thousands of CTU members march up Michigan Avenue to CPS Headquarters after a rally at the Auditorium Theatre. | Scott Stewart~Chicago Sun-Times.That was the thunderous sound of 5,000 red-clad Chicago union teachers marching past CPS headquarters at Adams & Clark. Just when Rahm thought is was safe to come out of his office after last weekend's NATO Summit fiasco, he once again became the target of working class venom. Speaker after speaker denounced Rahm's ongoing war on teachers. His contract offer was denounced as an "insult." On every issue, they offered counters to his "reform"... more »

Who will stand up for Public Education in this election?

Mike Klonsky at Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog - 2 days ago
Romney lands the first punch. Will Dems strike back? If not, who will? In the run-up to the elections, neither candidate(s) has said much about education issues. As for party platforms, neither party has a real education plank. The Republicans have been playing only two notes -- bust the teacher unions and don't tax the rich. The Democrats have been playing none. They have been tight-roping between the teacher unions and the influential hedge-fund "reformers" like Democrats For Educational Reform (DFER) and have seemingly decided to play it safe and go without an education plank. Ne... more »

Thousands of CTU members, supporters will rally today

Mike Klonsky at Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog - 3 days ago
If *Rahm Emanuel* thought that Chicago teachers would roll over and play dead in the face of his war on the CTU, he's badly mistaken. Yesterday it was announced that nearly 80 percent of CTU members have voted to reject the latest teacher contract proposal in recent straw polls — more than what would be needed to authorize a real strike under the new anti-union law, SB7. At 3 this afternoon, thousands of Chicago teachers will meet in a unity rally inside the Auditorium Theater at State & Congress. At 4:30, many more will join them in a massive show of solidarity with a rally and ma... more »

The most vile attack yet on Wisconsin teachers

Mike Klonsky at Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog - 3 days ago
This is the most cowardly and treacherous attack yet on public school teachers, make that, on all public employees. That image above is of a full-page newspaper ad taken out in the Janesville Gazette, the local newspaper in Paul Ryan's district. The Gazette, to its credit, didn't print the ad, but it still managed to find its way into subscribers' mailboxes through fliers placed in the paper's home-delivery tube system. The names you can't read in this image are the names of teachers in Janesville who signed the petition to recall Scott Walker. Next to their names, is their salary.... more »

Anatomy of a big high school

Mike Klonsky at Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog - 4 days ago
Chicago's great architectural critic *Lee Bey *writes for WBEZ public radio, about his alma mater, Chicago Vocational High School ("School of architecture: A look at sprawling Chicago Vocational.") The massive, 72-year-old school, located at 2100 E. 87th St., is not only the city's second largest high school building (only Lane Tech is bigger), but is Chicago's best large-scale example of Art Moderne architecture. The 27-acre school, formerly known as Chicago Vocational High School, was built for $3.5 million, with 45 percent of the cash coming from the federal Public Works Admini... more »


Mike Klonsky at Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog - 5 days ago
Rita SolnetRita Solnet, Parents Across America *“It’s kind of like a tsunami at this point — a movement underway. Primarily, we’re saying we know you wanted accountability, but the pendulum has swung too far. It’s gotten ridiculous where one test on one day determines everything for that one child. We are saying use the FCAT as a diagnostic tool — for what it’s meant to be used.”* -- Miami Herald Read more here: Light footprint? *Out of the experience emerged Mr. Obama’s “light footprin... more »