Thursday, May 17, 2012

The in box. Pension rallies scheduled for today and tomorrow. « Fred Klonsky

The in box. Pension rallies scheduled for today and tomorrow. « Fred Klonsky:

The in box. Pension rallies scheduled for today and tomorrow.

ORLAND PARK  –  Pension Rally
Please join the troops!!!
What:    Rally Supporting Teachers and Public Employees
When:  Friday, May 18th from 4-6PM
 Where:   Representative Krezwick’s District Office  (8951 West 151st Street, Orland Park, IL 60462)
 Why:   Rep. Charles Krezwick says he is supporting the Democratic Leadership’s Positions.  The Democratic leadership’s current position is contrary to IEA’s position:
  •  Any Proposed changes must be Constitutional;
  • Any modifications must be fair to members;
  • Must maintain the stability of our system; and
  • And include the unions at the table.
 What do I need to bring:  Signs!
 We need your help now! Remember you have a chance to do everything you can possible do now and not wake up on June 1st asking what I could have done.  Bring your spouse, children, your neighbors, and friends.  We need to show a force and help make a difference. 
 Brought to you by: Illinois Education Association/NEA
 Dear D230 IEA Members,
 Our local is sponsoring and organizing this rally.  I need your support once again!!!  We need to have as many teachers, administrators and Esp’s as possible to come to the rally.  Last time we had 200 people show up at the rally, let’s beat that mark!

We need to show our legislators and make our voices heard.  I am retiring at age 55, will you be able to retire at the same age?  Please give up one or two hours of your time for our profession.  Protect our pensions and our benefits!!!

Carrie Cox
Rally to Support Teachers and Public Employees
Thursday, May 17th
4-6 PM
Free Speech Pavilion, corner of Webster and Jackson in Naperville.
Following the rally: March to State Representative Darlene Senger’s office. One block to 125 Water Street in Naperville.

Protests in front by members. Deals behind closed doors by leaders.

Tim Furman was up in Evanston yesterday at a protest outside Democratic State Representative Robyn Gabel and State Senator Jeffrey Schoenberg’s offices.
As Furman points out, many of these characters are playing the “I haven’t seen the bill” game.
And IFT’s director of research, Bob Shaevel, confirms that the so-called labor coalition, including the IEA, have been meeting behind closed doors offering concessions.