Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The in box. I’ve cut Jeff off. « Fred Klonsky

The in box. I’ve cut Jeff off. « Fred Klonsky:

The in box. I’ve cut Jeff off.

Let me get this straight Fred. You are an ararchist (sic) who wants to use your government to force private sector taxpayers who earn less than you to pay out benefits to you that they had no say in negotiating. As long as you benefit from government taking away my free will you are in favor of it. You should call yourself an “ivory-tower” anarchist my friend.

Let me get this straight Jeff. You are someone who totally missed the joke. My friend.
I obviously am not an anarchist. Ivory tower or otherwise.
On this issue, unlike you, I believe that a contract made between the state of Illinois and its teachers and other public employees should be enforced. I believe that the constitution should not be ignored just because it becomes problematic to follow it. I believe that people like you do not get to make a “free will” decision about