Sunday, May 6, 2012

Free Bus Trips + Call to Action for People’s Summit in Chicago 5/18 | #ows #soschat

Free Bus Trips & Call to Action for People’s Summit in Chicago 5/18 |

Free Bus Trips & Call to Action for People’s Summit in Chicago 5/18

Posted 4 hours ago on May 6, 2012, 9:16 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
chicago 99 solidarity
via 99% Solidarity:
99% solidarity is excited to participate in nonviolent direct actions in Chicago from May 18 to 22, 2012. We have secured buses to bring people to these actions from several U.S cities.
We are currently working on the travel schedule, agenda and other important details of this trip. We will be contacting you with updated information shortly. For now here are a few updates:
  • The Bus trip is free
  • 50 people from each city must sign up and board the bus for the trip take place. If a city has less then 50 sign ups, then we may have to cancel the bus for that city.
  • Meals will be provided on board the bus to and from Chicago
  • We are working on housing and meals while in Chicago
There are several direct actions and events that we will participate in while in Chicago including:
  • May 18 – The People’s Summit
  • May 19 – the 99% Solidarity People’s Convention
  • May 20 – CANG8 rally and march.
Please visit often to get the most up to date information and be sure to invite your friends and fellow occupiers to join you on this exciting, historic trip.
In addition, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter: @99solidarity
Currently, buses will be leaving from the following cities in time to arrive in Chicago on May 17.
New York City
Washington DC
Boston, MA
Providence, RI
Burlington, VT
Salem, NH
Philadelphia, PA
Atlanta, GA
Oakland CA
Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco, CA
Portland, OR
We are working hard to add more cities, so please check back often if your city is not listed.

See below for the call to action!

also via 99% Solidarity:
From 5/17-5/22 occupiers throughout the country will be joining with the National Nurses United, and many other unions and groups, in Chicago for the People’s Summit, and to protest at the NATO summit on 5/20. The purpose of the People’s Summit is to join together in solidarity, address the grievances of the 99%, and advance the process of truly changing this country. The NATO summit provides an opportunity to directly confront some of those grievances; our nation’s exorbitant spending on the military, global militarization, and the culture of war. It is ludicrous that in a time of economic hardship our military spending is higher than the other ten top spending countries combined. Our tax dollars fund useless wars and support the military industrial complex while social programs are being cut and our infrastructure is crumbling.
Though the G8 punked out and will conduct their nefarious business in the secluded, well guarded confines of Camp David, the gathering in Chicago will still be an important event, showcasing the frustrations of the 99% and our willingness to act in the struggle for a just and fair society.
This is a key moment in the American Spring. Following the nationwide actions on May Day, the Chicago actions will keep the pressure on and show the determination of the Occupy Movement and its many supporters and allies to keep up the fight and get the message out to the people.
This is the time for action. The fact that Rahm Emanuel has trashed the constitution in his attempts to quash protest and stifle dissent makes it all that more important that we show up in Chicago to raise our voices. The repressive measures taken by Mayor Emanuel encapsulate the broader assaults on freedom by our city, state, and federal governments; all to serve their masters, the 1%. The gathering in Chicago has thus become an even more powerful symbol, a chance to show the true passion and determination of our movement.
We are at a crucial time in American and world history, a crossroads which will lead to subjugation by the 1% or a new age of justice and freedom. The choice is yours. Our country was founded through revolution. Though the results of this revolution were imperfect, it was still a great advance for the cause of individual liberty. The people who fought for and supported the American Revolution knew that it was time to stand up for their rights or be subjugated. We now face the same choice. If the 99% finds common cause and courage, if we rally together and demand change, demand a more just and fair society, our revolution need not be a violent one, but an enlightened one. Our numbers are unstoppable. Our unity is our strength, our resolve is our weapon. Our greatest enemy is apathy. Come to Chicago on 5/18 for the People’s Summit and help create a world you will be proud to pass on to your children and grandchildren. Let the future remember you as one of the heroes.