Thursday, May 3, 2012

Forum: Moving Forward in Public Education: Ideas That Work Sponsored by Parents Across America-Seattle

Forum: Moving Forward in Public Education: Ideas That Work | Seattle Education:

Forum: Moving Forward in Public Education: Ideas That Work

Parents Across America Presents
Moving Forward in Public Education:
Ideas That Work
A Panel Discussion
Thursday, May 31st at 6:30 PM
Rainier Beach High School Auditorium
8815 Seward Park Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98118
Dr. Margit McGuire, Professor and Director, Seattle Universityʼs Teacher
Education Program
Marquita Prinzing, teacher, Sanislo Elementary School
Sharon Okamoto, Principal, Seattle Urban Academy
Rita Green, parent and PTA vice-president, Rainier Beach High School
What does work in education? What do at-risk kids need from their schools?
What do educators working in our classrooms need in order to be successful?
What are some of the greatest obstacles to educating our children in public
schools? What are some of the success stories?
It’s time to hear from the educators about what really works in education.
For more information e-mail or call 206-276-5556
in conjunction with

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