Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Floridians Critique Jebucation | Truth in American Education

Floridians Critique Jebucation | Truth in American Education:

Floridians Critique Jebucation

StaffFrom State Impact:
(Jeb) Bush views his policies as tough love. But Orlando’s Linda Kobert has another name for it: Jebucation.
Kobert founded the non-profit group Fund Education Now with her neighbors, Christine Bramuchi and Kathleen Oropeza.
The moms say they are organizing the French Resistance against Bush’s policies in his home state through e-mail and social media such as Twitter.
They cite research from Arizona State University and others which shows students who are held back are more likely to drop out of school.
The moms argue Bush’s policies have created the impression that F

The “Enemy’s” Response to Fordham’s Wishful Cost Projections

0717_tuition_392x392Edweek reported today on the conflicting studies completed aimed at determining how  much the Common Core State Standards will cost.  The Pioneer Institute and the American Principles Project in their report last February estimated a $16 Billion price tag.  The Fordham Institute, a pro-common core think tank, estimates up to $8.3 Billion could be spent in their report which was just released.
Edweek quoted Chester Finn, Jr., Fordham’s president who said, ““Enemies and critics of the common core want you to believe the worst: that besides being hard, it will be very pricey and likely ineffective. But this report says otherwise. Implementation can be modestly priced and likely more effective if states are astute enough