Friday, May 25, 2012

Daily Kos: of Wall Street and of Bain

Daily Kos: of Wall Street and of Bain:

of Wall Street and of Bain

There are two somewhat related columns this morning by two important voices.  Paul Krugman offers Egos and Immorality in which he deconstructs the incredible sensitivity of those in the financial sector to any kind of criticism, and their false assertion that they have created economic good times for the nation.  Eugene Robinson hones in with Why Bain Questions Matter, in which his only criticism of the President is that he wishses the questions about Bain had been raised during the debate on financial reform, since the President is now "posing the kind of fundamental questions that needed to be asked" - which may be why Romney does not want to address them.
Both columns are absolute must reads.
Below the fold I will offer just a few snips from each as well as my probably far less informed personal observations - after all, I have neither  a Nobel in Economics nor a Pulitzer in commentary.