Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Building on Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's Success DCPS announces new plan called ‘WTF’?

RheeFirst! » DCPS cuts ‘unworkable programs” to pay for new plan called ‘What’s Possible’?:

DCPS cuts ‘unworkable programs” to pay for new plan called ‘What’s Possible’?

Written by Bill Turque for the Washington Post.  Read the entire article here.
On April 11, [Rhee's successor] Henderson announced “Proving What’s Possible,” a new $10 million grant program designed to spur innovative ways of boosting student achievement. Officials are especially interested in funding schools that want to extend the academic day, leverage technology to improve learning, or upgrade staff….
All praiseworthy objectives. But what caught my eye was the $10 million. In a budget season when local and