Monday, May 21, 2012

Book launch and panel discussion: Education and Capitalism | Seattle Education

Book launch and panel discussion: Education and Capitalism | Seattle Education:

Book launch and panel discussion: Education and Capitalism

Saturday, June 2, 4:00 PM
University of Washington, Room 211 Smith Hall
Sarah Knopp: Editor of Education and Capitalism and Los Angeles public school teacher
Jesse Hagopian: Contributor to Education and Capitalism and Seattle public school teacher
RSVP for this event at the Education and Capitalism Facebook page.
“Education and Capitalism: Struggles for Learning and Liberation” has just been published by Haymarket Books. There will be a book launch and panel discussion in Seattle on June 2nd at 4:00 PM, in the UW Room, 211 Smith Hall.
A conservative consensus dominates the discussion about what’s wrong with our schools and how to fix them: scapegoat teachers, vilify our unions, and promise more private control and market solutions. In each case,