Monday, April 30, 2012

What Do Your Students Need? — Whole Child Education

What Do Your Students Need? — Whole Child Education:

What Do Your Students Need?

Students as learners are also students as people, with hopes, fears, and needs. That's why it's so important to build adult-student relationships that support and encourage each student's academic and personal growth. Thefrequency and perceived worth of interaction (PDF) with faculty, staff, and other students is one of the strongest predictors not only of student persistence but also of student learning.

The winner of the 2012 Vision in Action: The ASCD Whole Child Award, Byrne Creek Secondary School in Burnaby, British Columbia, is built on the concept of interaction within the school and larger community. Byrne Creek serves as a community hub (PDF), providing a supportive education community where children and families can receive support and the larger community, in turn, can provide support to those in need. Principal David Rawnsley believes the school's success is a result of passionate staff who genuinely care for their students and recognize that their roles are pivotal to students' success.
Whether your community is focusing on changes inside the school system (such as bringing health and other services into the school setting) or working to bring about broader neighborhood and community change, theseguiding principles (PDF) can provide a foundation and direction:
  • Focus on results and outcomes for children.
  • Recognize that schools can't do it alone. Schools need to partner with other services and organizations