Thursday, April 12, 2012

Support PURE! » It’s spring, and the astroturf is spreading like crabgrass!

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » It’s spring, and the astroturf is spreading like crabgrass!:

It’s spring, and the astroturf is spreading like crabgrass!

What's underneath???
It seems that every time you turn around, there’s another astroturf education group sprouting up. The fertilizer, of course, is the money of wealthy privatizers and union busters, not to mention the rich manure of corporate reform rhetoric.
It’s gotten to the point where you have to worry that, if a group has the word “students,” “children,” “reform,” or “first” in it, you’ve got to first hide your children!
And now they’re going after college kids.
The latest eruption is called Students for Education Reform, and they are sponsoring a kick-off event Saturday at