Thursday, April 5, 2012

Shanker Blog » The Challenges Of Pre-K Assessment

Shanker Blog » The Challenges Of Pre-K Assessment:

The Challenges Of Pre-K Assessment

In the United States, nearly 1.3 million children attend publicly-funded preschool. As enrollment continues to grow, states are under pressure to prove these programs serve to increase school readiness. Thus, the task of figuring out how best to measure preschoolers’ learning outcomes has become a major policy focus.
First, it should be noted that researchers are almost unanimous in their caution about this subject. There are inherent difficulties in the accurate assessment of very young children’s learning in the fields of language, cognition, socio-emotional development, and even physical development. Young children’s attention spans tend to be short and there are wide, natural variations in children’s performance in any given domain and on any given day. Thus, great care is advised for both the design and implementation of such assessments (see herehere, and here for examples). The question of if and how to use these student assessments to determine program or