Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Schools Matter: Krash Course #7: The Reform Narrative EXPOSED

Schools Matter: Krash Course #7: The Reform Narrative EXPOSED:

Krash Course #7: The Reform Narrative EXPOSED

In Krash Course #6, I highlighted the inverse relationship between what educators acknowledge as important education reform and what self-proclaimed reformers claim as educational reform by noting Diane Ravitch'sexcellent blog in the MetLife Survey of the American Teacher.

Since that posting, several key examples of the failure of political leadership and the media are captured in a few examples that can stand as evidence of how educators and researchers must first expose the hollowness of claims about charter schools, teacher merit pay, VAM-style accountability of teachers, charges of "bad" teachers ruining education, and an array of technocratic and bureaucratic minutia that has little to do with the