Monday, April 16, 2012

School Tech Connect: Totally Not A Rant

School Tech Connect: Totally Not A Rant:

Totally Not A Rant

So... here's a cautionary tale, not a rant. It's going to sound like a rant. I'm not ranting, swear to God.

Anyway I get an email from my state representative, and it turns out she's having office hours at a place I can get to and I time I can make, if I A) drive instead of biking and B) haul ass.  Here's the relevant bit of email...

This email irks me a bit because I think wtf? Is revenue simply off the table forever? Anyhoo I drive to work, thinking the whole time about how weird it is to run a whole internal combustion engine for just one person.

But before I drive to work today, I do my homework. I prep like a madman, for a friggin' week. I read Glen's excellent series and I study the primary sources behind them. I'm briefed on CTBA's excellent case for a graduated income tax. I understand the