Thursday, April 5, 2012

School Tech Connect: Reductions Are Actually Increases

School Tech Connect: Reductions Are Actually Increases:

Reductions Are Actually Increases

I noticed that the IFT and IPACE-endorsed Elaine Nekritz and Lou Lang are the sponsorsof the pension test billthat Glen is talking about.  I don't think the endorsements were wrong, by the way. You can't be responsible for everything your friends do.

To be honest, I'd never even heard of this pension system. Now I regret not researching the Water Reclamation candidates. Who knows what kind of wingnuts I may have voted for?

If I'm reading the bill correctly, and who the hell knows... it seems to me that they're increasing the employer contribution without increasing the benefit, and they're going to argue that it's constitutional because the employer is increasing their contribution, too, and well, if the system survives, then that's an increase in benefit over insolvency because it's another underfunded system going down the toilet.

Sounds pretty shaky to me.

Incidentally, in the back of my mind I've been thinking about writing about how the NEA has been beating the wrong drums for years and how the only two things that come to mind when I think of the NEA are A) credit card