Tuesday, April 10, 2012

School Tech Connect: The Big Schism

School Tech Connect: The Big Schism:

The Big Schism

Dennis Van Roekel doesn't clear his messaging with me, so it will come as no surprise that I find his messaging to be irrelevant, obscure, and ineffective. Here he is over at TPM yammering away about corporate tax loopholes.
“President Obama from the first day he started campaigning, he’s been a champion for education,” he said. “I know he will put education at the forefront, and if there’s another place in the budget to find money for education — my job is to educate the public about corporate loopholes.”
That's his job, evidently. I suppose it is indeed related to his main job, which is the distribution of BOA credit cards. You would never, ever know from Dennis Van Roekel that there's a problem