Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rahm’s poll numbers tanking. Confrontation with teachers is pulling him down. « Fred Klonsky

Rahm’s poll numbers tanking. Confrontation with teachers is pulling him down. « Fred Klonsky:

Rahm’s poll numbers tanking. Confrontation with teachers is pulling him down.

Rahm may control the city council like a Soviet commisar.
But his honeymoon with the city’s voters has ended. His reputation for controlling the message is fading.
Blame it on his confrontational approach to the teacher union, teachers, parents and schools.

“I’m not making the case that people hate Rahm right now, but they have clearly shifted their thinking,’’ Gotoff said. “His negative job performance ratings are where the most precipitous movement is.’’

Chicago Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard’s job performance was viewed as