Tuesday, April 3, 2012

PSAT for 4-3-12: It’s LISTEN UP time! Parents United for Responsible Education

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » PSAT for 4-3-12: It’s LISTEN UP time!:

PSAT for 4-3-12: It’s LISTEN UP time!

Aren’t you tired of speaking out and not being heard?
Aren’t you fed up with school boards holding hearings but not listening?
Don’t you feel like screaming every time Arne Duncan, Rahm Emanuel or JC Brizard spout the same cliches and unsubstantiated pronouncements about how to improve schools?
Don’t you think it’s time that we called these appointed officials out on the b******t???
I’m going to tell you how in a minute.
What got me started on this today? Well, it doesn’t ever take much, as you know, but this time it started with my previous blog post about the apparent deafness of the Illinois State Board of Education to thoughtful, legitimate concerns raised by the public about its proposed new testing and school labeling system.
But then I’ve also been thinking about the earnest efforts of Chicago parents, including the Raise Your Hand and