Friday, April 13, 2012

Professors Hit Common Core on Anti-Liberal Arts Stance | Truth in American Education

Professors Hit Common Core on Anti-Liberal Arts Stance | Truth in American Education:

Professors Hit Common Core on Anti-Liberal Arts Stance

There is a new proliferation of momentum against the Common Core by Professors determined to defend the liberal arts from the anti-liberal arts onslaught of the Common Core.
As Shane already pointed out, first English Professor Mary Grabar of Emory hit Arne Duncan in a Roll Call article “The Gradgrinds of the Common Core”:
How good a player would Arne Duncan, former basketball pro and current secretary of Education, have been had he not been allowed to play a pickup game or idly bounce a ball? How many great players would there be had they not been able to play at the corner lot, instead forced through endless drills?
Kids would not have learned the lingo and mannerisms of basketball, or imagined themselves