Friday, April 6, 2012

Portland parents raise a record $3 million to hire teachers, support schools |

Portland parents raise a record $3 million to hire teachers, support schools |

Portland parents raise a record $3 million to hire teachers, support schools

Published: Friday, April 06, 2012, 5:39 PM     Updated: Friday, April 06, 2012, 5:47 PM
Parents and other volunteers fundraised a record $3 million to help bolster Portland Public Schoolsnext year, primarily to add teachers and other staff, the Portland Public Schools Foundationreported Friday. 

That represented a 10 percent increase from just two years earlier and is more money -- although not more per student -- than was raised in the two other local districts that raise private funds to pay for faculty positions, Lake Oswego and Riverdale. Lake Oswego's foundation raised $2.2 million last year and hasn't finished its campaign this year. 

A Portland school board rule requires that nearly one-third of the money raised at any school be