Monday, April 30, 2012

Parents speaking out in May! PURE

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Parents speaking out in May!

Don’t forget to come out for the DePaul College of Education Forum this Wednesday, May 2. I’ll be speaking there along with several other parent leaders. You can catch PURE’s Wanda Hopkins on May 20th at another education forum.
Here’s the schedule, courtesy of Raise Your Hand:
May 2nd –DePaul College of Education, “Parents and Schools”, 5:30-7:30pm
Wendy Katten from RYH speaking with representatives from Blocks Together, COFI, Logan Square Neighborhood Association, and PURE.
Place: Lincoln Park Student Center, 2250 N. Sheffield,
Time: Tuesday May 2nd at 5:30pm-7:30pm
May 5th – Intuit Art Center- Teachers for Social Justice Event
Jill Wohl from RYH speaking. Other invited groups: KOCO, 19thWard Parents, Dyett Students, Whittier Parents, CTU and more.
Place: Intuit Art Center, 756 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Time: Saturday May 5th at 5pm-7pm
May 20th-Luther Memorial Church- “Critically Thinking About Chicago Public Schools”
Sonia Kwon from RYH on panel with PURE’s Wanda Hopkins and other parent and community groups. Discussion around current status, concerns and future of CPS.
Place: Luther Memorial, 2500 W. Wilson,
Time: Sunday May 20th at 5 pm
Sign up for the Raise Your Voice Lobby Day in Springfield on May 9th. We plan to take the 7am train from Union Station together but if you prefer to drive and meet us there, that is fine, too. More details will be sent out in the next couple of days on specific bills and we will have a training on May 7th to get you familiar with the process of going to Springfield. Feel free to contact us with questions.
Please email us if you want to attend by May 5th at

May Day march for education

Parents, stand in solidarity with teachers!
From Teachers for Social Justice:
Together Labor and Immigrants Will March
Since 2006, May Day has been reclaimed in Chicago
Date: Tuesday, May 1st
March Assembly Noon in Union Park
Rally 3:30PM
Federal Plaza
Why Teachers Should Join the May Day March
Defend our Education & Democracy
Our union is under attack. We have to defend ourselves and it’s not only our contract.  Public education in a democratic society is now in question.
May Day is a perfect time to speak about the future of our public schools.
No to Austerity and Privatization
Marching and speaking up on May Day will help us and all the other public sector workers under the hammer of privatization and austerity cuts. We need our city libraries, mental health clinics and decent transportation. We see our services in the public sector being cut to the bone.
May Day March Builds Solidarity for the CTU
Preparing to strike also means building solidarity with other sectors of labor, students and parents. Our union fight back for a contract must be supported by the labor movement.
No to Rahm!  No to CPS Attacks on Public Education
For teachers and public school workers May Day will be a perfect time to build solidarity within our schools and unions. We must march to defend our jobs, schools and contracts. Our unity gives us strength if we are forced to strike.
Stop Deportations and Full Rights for Immigrants
For immigrant workers who brought May Day back to Chicago it is day to defend our families and call for justice not deportation. Children need their parents. We support families.