Friday, April 20, 2012

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Can we have him?

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Can we have him?:

Can we have him?

If we had an elected school board in Chicago, I’m pretty sure they would choose someone like this guy,
Montgomery schools superintendent Joshua Starr congratulated the school board Tuesday on standing firm against some of the turbulent reform efforts being embraced around the country.
He called their political posture, including the past decision not to support the state’s application 

Proof positive Rahm votes “The Chicago Way”

WBEZ reports that Mayor Emanuel “believes he may have

D.C. sign of the times: Major component failure

I’m in D.C. with some of my amazing Parents Across America friends, preparing to have the Department of Education for lunch.
Actually, they’re hosting us, but we’ll see.
Spent yesterday dropping off PAA position packets with each member of the Senate Education Committee. Had