Monday, April 2, 2012

Next step in education reform could be schools grading parents - Providence special education |

Next step in education reform could be schools grading parents - Providence special education |

Next step in education reform could be schools grading parents

Florida bill proposed teachers grade parents

Video: Florida teachers to grade parents

 Education reform has focused on grading teachers and schools based on students' performance.  It seems that schools are fed up with taking all the blame and have been stating that parents should be graded.  The goal seems to be parent involvement, but this may not be the best way.
Florida's Representative Kelli Stargel introduced bill HB255 in 2011.  The bill would have required teachers of students in grades kindergarten through the third grade to grade parents.  Parents would have received a grade of satisfactory, unsatisfactory or needs improvement.  It was an attempt to involve parents and make them accountable for

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