Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mulgrew challenges DOE to increase school budgets New York Teacher | Edwize

New York Teacher | Edwize:

New York Teacher

New York Teacher, April 5, 2012Mulgrew challenges DOE to increase school budgets
With new money coming from the state and an improving city revenue picture, the Department of Education must finally start rebuilding ravaged school budgets, UFT President Michael Mulgrew told the City Council on March 27. Class sizes should go down and after-school and enrichment programs must be restored, he said.
Here’s the pitch
City schools finish in the money at annual Virtual Enterprise competition
Would-be entrepreneurs need to pitch detailed business plans to funders and investors. Learning to do that is part of schooling, too, as the annual Virtual Enterprise International’s Youth Business Summit competition attested. In round one, held at union headquarters on March 27, 19 student teams from high schools nationwide competed.
‘We can’t do it alone’
450 educators get message that collaboration is key to success in education
The theme of the day was “Collaboration: Changing Lives Together,” and it brought 450 early childhood educators