Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: MN Social Studies Standards Paint a Picture of a Different America

Missouri Education Watchdog: MN Social Studies Standards Paint a Picture of a Different America:

MN Social Studies Standards Paint a Picture of a Different America

Though there is plenty of discussion occurring regarding the language arts and math standards that have been drafted for Common Core, there is some solace in knowing that at the end of the day a noun is still a noun and 2+2=4.  When it comes to history or, as the progressives have renamed it, social studies, what seems reasonable to teach becomes far less clear. The Common Corers will tell you they are only working on math and language arts, but only a fool would believe there are not people already assigned to develop standards for "social studies" and science.  These are two subjects where it is often difficult to separate fact from ideology.  

We found one state who is working to develop new social studies standards and a professional view of those standards. Marjorie Holsten, an attorney and teacher of the US Constitution for home schooled students and a board member of Education Liberty Watch, reviewed  the third draftof the social studies standards for MN high school students which is now available for a final public comment period. What she found in these standards is staggering and is provided here in its entirety to preserve the