Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: GAM vs. Tiger Moms

Missouri Education Watchdog: GAM vs. Tiger Moms:

GAM vs. Tiger Moms

Last year Amy Chua started a national debate about how hard parents should push their children to succeed. Her book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother put a spotlight on the practices Chinese  mothers used to get their children to the top of the success heap.  Many Americans were appalled, but a slight note of worry was also struck by her comment to Meredith Vieira, "To be perfectly honest, I know that a lot of Asian parents are secretly shocked and horrified by many aspects of Western parenting," including "how much time Westerners allow their kids to waste — hours on Facebook and computer games — and in some ways, how poorly they prepare them for the future. It's a tough world out there." Many mothers worried, "What if she was right? What if our efforts to provide a nurturing environment for our children were actually making them weak and less able to compete?" The Gifted Association of Missouri (GAM) weighed in on this with Kirkwood parents last week when they answered the question, "Should we push our gifted child to excel?" In short, their answer was "No."

GAM's mission is to:
  • Be a leader for gifted children in the school reform movement.
  • Empower parents of gifted children to become informed and active advocates for their gifted children.
  • Ensure adequate funding for the education of gifted children in Missouri.
In their Fall 2011 newsletter GAMbit, they wrote about this issue of seeking perfection. The phrase many parents