Saturday, April 21, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: An Education in the Dehumanization of Americans

Missouri Education Watchdog: An Education in the Dehumanization of Americans:

An Education in the Dehumanization of Americans

I've had several people tell me they felt sad and upset when they read MEW's articleWhen High Stakes Testing becomes Abusive, it's Time for Parents to Keep their Children Home.  A kindergartner's teacher wouldn't let her use the restroom because the class was in the middle of testing...that wasn't even "required testing".  The little girl had a terrible accident and had to sit in her waste until the testing was finished.  She was given a garbage bag to wrap herself in. Why didn't the teacher let the child use the restroom?

Many kids right now are taking Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) tests, the state standardized testing required by law.  Those tests start in third grade, but the superintendent says the reason the teacher was sticking so closely to MAP testing guidelines, even for a kindergartner, is because she was trying to