Monday, April 2, 2012

Illinois Teachers and Neighbors United - A Community of Pro-Public Education Activists in Illinois

Illinois Teachers and Neighbors United - A Community of Pro-Public Education Activists in Illinois:

Join our community and start networking with other people and organizations who are fighting for public schools, teachers, the pension systems, the community colleges and our higher ed systems. Network for education, not corporate reform.When you join the community, please join the appropriate senate or representative district group. If one doesn't exist for your district, create it! You'll catch on. 
What makes this community different is that we're trying to unify people who are working toward the same end-- the promise of quality public education. There are so many well established groups throughout Illinois--- we live dispersed throughout the state. If we can team up inside our own political districts, think of the impact we can have with the people who represent us in Springfield.
Please join us, and when you do, be sure to join or form a group based on your home senate district and representative district.
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