Friday, April 13, 2012

IEA President Klickna’s statement on TRS. « Fred Klonsky

IEA President Klickna’s statement on TRS. « Fred Klonsky:

IEA President Klickna’s statement on TRS.

Many of my friends have found much to applaud in IEA President Klickna’s recent statement. Klickna’s statement followes the recent leak from TRS Executive Director Dick Ingram about retiree benefit reductions.
Nobody is happy about the Ingram leak. Klickna makes clear that she is not happy about the way the press has used Ingram’s words to undermine our Association’s  position in defense of our pension.
Ty Fahner, the Civic Committee, GOP House leader Tom Cross and editorial writers across the state have been gleeful in reporting the Executive Director’s comments.
I think Klickna’s statement is good.
I also think it has weaknesses.
There are some wiggle words about benefits not being the sole topic of discussion.
I would have preferred a firm statement that the underfunding of our pensions is a 40 year-long revenue problem.
The solution resides in the state to funding the system as demanded by our state’s constitution. Something it has never done.
Member concerns are not just the result of being manipulated by the media. We have past pension battles and