Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Son's Scores Are Available Already From The 2012 New York State ELA!

Whew! First day of the NYS ELA test is over! Only 180 minutes to go. Luckily, some good news came my way. Not as a teacher, but as a parent.

Somehow my 5th grade son's exam was scored. Just today's part, and the scores came into me from a phone call from his teacher. I am very excited at how well he did, and proud as all heck. My chest is bursting with pride.

But the scoring method used was different than the traditional scoring method that we all know and loathe. This method was a true indication of how well he did on the tests. The score was not for the entire test taken, but rather the scores were broken down by specificity of parts of the test. Being the proud father that I am, I took him to a celebratory