Monday, April 2, 2012

High-stakes testing cheats children out of a quality education | Get Schooled

High-stakes testing cheats children out of a quality education | Get Schooled:

High-stakes testing cheats children out of a quality education

crcted.0920 (Medium)The folks at FairTest have been raising the alarm about excessive testing and its impact on education long before most people.
Here is a response to the AJC investigation into nationwide disparities in test results from Robert Schaeffer, public education director of FairTest: the National Center for Fair & Open Testing
By Robert Schaeffer
Across the U.S., the politically mandated misuse of standardized tests is damaging public schools and the children they serve. The Atlanta Journal Constitution’s investigation of suspicious test scores around the nation is just the latest example. Experts may debate the methodology, but there is no question that cheating on standardized exams is widespread. In just the past three academic years, FairTest has documented confirmed cases of test score manipulation in 33 states plus the District of Columbia.
These scandals are the predictable result of over-reliance on test scores. As the renowned social scientist Donald Campbell concluded more than 30 years ago, “The more any