Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Go to the Movies. Save a Life - Lily's Blackboard – Lily's Blackboard

Go to the Movies. Save a Life - Lily's Blackboard – Lily's Blackboard:

Lily's Blackboard Rotating Header Image

Go to the Movies. Save a Life

This Friday you need to go to see the movie Bully.
You need to fill up the minivan, the truck, the car, the bus, walk, run, and just go to see the movie Bully.
You need to take your kids and your grand-kids and your nieces and nephews.  You need to take the church groups and the Little League team and the chess club and the Gay-Straight Alliance club and the scout troop.  You need to go if you’re a teacher or a parent or a coach or bus driver.   You need to go.  It’s that important.  Really.  That important.
The movie will be one of the most wrenching, unsettling, powerful, important films you may ever see.  The language in the movie is strong language.  It is the language of hate.  The situations are disturbing and not a manufactured creature of Hollywood.

The video is real made by an almost invisible photographer who simply follows