Saturday, April 14, 2012

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee - either believes she is above the law or simply doesn't care

- Wait, What?:

Do They Actually Think They Are Above The Law? (why yes, yes they do)

The 2012 “Education Reformers” – They bully, they’re arrogant and they appear to believe that the law applies to others but not them.
As Michelle Rhee and the other out-of-state “Education Reformers” pour into Connecticut to join their allies in the effort to Governor Malloy’s ill-conceived “Education Reform” bill you’d think they’d recognize the importance of following Connecticut’s laws.
But apparently these “Education Reformers” either believe they are above the law on simply don’t care if they get fined for violating the lobbyist rules we have in place.
Connecticut law is simple and direct. A lobbyist is any person who either spends or receives $2,000 or more in a calendar year to communicate with, or to solicit others to communicate with, any official or his or her staff in the legislative or executive branch, or in a quasi-public agency, in an effort to influence legislative or