Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Bully Politics of Education Reform

The Bully Politics of Education Reform:

The Bully Politics of Education Reform

Thursday, 19 April 2012 09:48By Paul Thomas, The Daily Censored | News Analysis
America is a bully nation.
America is the embodiment of might-makes-right. When another country (USSR) invades Afghanistan, America is filled with righteous indignation, but when America invades Afghanistan, well, all is right with the world.
America has bred the bully tactic of vigilantism in the sanctified Petri dish of law (Stand Your Ground), and the result is the person with the gun is the law while the victim’s innocence is extinguished along with the person’s life.
To mask the bully culture of the U.S., bullying is confronted as a school-based problem among children (note the distraction of the R rating in the documentary on bullying addressed by Nancy Flanagan and Douglas Storm). Yet, the exact ruling class who denounces bullying