Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Washington State PTA Convention: Be There | Seattle Education

The Washington State PTA Convention: Be There | Seattle Education:

The Washington State PTA Convention: Be There

The WSPTA Convention will be held on May 4-6 and everyone who can needs to attend. There will be several issues on the table that will be voted on including the charter school resolution that has drawn fire from all quarters. This resolution, if passed at the convention, would become a cornerstone of the WSPTA platform for the next 2 years.
You might not even be aware of it reading the announcements that Ramona Hattendorf has sent out but buried in the user’s guide beginning on page 12 is the charter school resolution under “Equitable Educational Opportunities”.
What I find interesting about this resolution are the “untruths”, as I will call them, that are stated in this resolution.
Let’s start with this doozy:
certain schools, including high-performing charter schools, have produced positive effects in