Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Video Shows Law Student Obama Introducing Professor Derrick Bell at 1990 Campus Rally « Student Activism

Video Shows Law Student Obama Introducing Professor Derrick Bell at 1990 Campus Rally « Student Activism:


Video Shows Law Student Obama Introducing Professor Derrick Bell at 1990 Campus Rally

Video has surfaced from a speech President Obama gave at a campus rally in 1990, the first of a series of videos that conservative activist Andrew Breitbart claimed would reveal the president’s true radicalism to the American people.
Only a little over a minute of the speech has appeared so far, but Breitbart’s website promises “additional footage that has been hidden by Obama’s allies in the mainstream media and academia” is yet to come.
In today’s video, Obama — then a 29-year-old Harvard law student — is seen introducing Harvard professor Derrick Bell, who had taken an unpaid leave from the law school to protest the absence of women of color from its tenured faculty ranks. Bell, who had been a prominent civil rights lawyer in the 1960s, was the school’s first