Friday, March 2, 2012

Tweak. « Fred Klonsky

Tweak. « Fred Klonsky:



When I was starting out, it seemed like all the principals were wizened career veterans. Now that I’m a wizened career veteran, it seems like there’s a whole generation of 5-year teachers running schools.

I was telling one of our local activists that last year, at a local principal candidate forum, one of the candidates said in response to a question, “Well, we’ll have to tweak the metrics around that and see what we come up with.” My colleague said that he had heard another principal candidate say basically the same thing in a different interview. Tweak the metrics.

Talk about a vapid, oddly disturbing phrase. Naturally, the metric-tweaker got the job up here in

Cinda. Rub that sleep from your eyes.


Back on February 24th we reported on the Governor’s plan to cut state funding for TRIP, the retiree health