Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend recalls final conversation before shooting | The Raw Story

Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend recalls final conversation before shooting | The Raw Story:

Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend recalls final conversation before shooting

By Andrew Jones
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 9:25 EDT

Trayvon Martin. Screenshot via Click Orlando.
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Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend told ABC News late Monday night her final phone conversation with him before he was shot dead by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman.
The girl, whose parents requested not to make her name public, was questioned by the Martin family’s attorney Benjamin Crump and described that her boyfriend was cornered by Zimmerman.
“He said this man was watching him, so he put his hoodie on,” she said. “He said he lost the man. I asked Trayvon to run, and he said he was going to walk fast. I told him to run but he said he was not going to run.”
“Trayvon said, ‘What, are you following me for.’ And the man said, ‘What are you doing here.’ Next thing I hear is somebody pushing, and somebody pushed Trayvon because the head set just fell. I