Sunday, March 18, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Why Isn't the Discussion about the Actual Charter Bill?

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Why Isn't the Discussion about the Actual Charter Bill?:

Why Isn't the Discussion about the Actual Charter Bill?

 Reader Mr. White said this in another thread:

When people complain about Seattle process with too many meddling parents asking questions and too many groups seeking answers, oh my, who wants to come here? they're serving as a distraction from the facts.


I have written frequently and in varied places about the issues in this charter bill.  I am talking here about the descriptions within the bill about how charters would be carried out in our state, not my opinion. 

In no place - not LEV, not the Times, not here, not anywhere - has a single person said "No, you read the bill wrong."  "You have this fact wrong."

Not on a single point in a single place.

That means that every charter support that has read the Times comments or read LEV's posts or even the posts