Saturday, March 24, 2012

SEA Candidate statements by Jonathan Knapp and Phyllis Campano | Seattle Education

SEA Candidate statements by Jonathan Knapp and Phyllis Campano | Seattle Education:

SEA Candidate statements by Jonathan Knapp and Phyllis Campano

In the spirit of fairness, because I have posted information regarding Eric Muhs who is a candidate for President of the Seattle Education Association, to follow is a statement by Jonathan Knapp and his running mate Phyllis Campano.
Every governance election within a union presents a crossroads for the membership. At the crossroads of this election we believe that there are two paths available. We can go back to the illusory notion that before the “ed reformers” came along everything was fine. Under this view, all we have to do is say “no” to the very powerful forces that are currently defining “ed reform”: Gates, Broad, the Waltons, the Koch brothers, Grover Norquist, Democrats for Education Reform, League of Education Voters, Stand for Children, the state PTA, Excellent