Thursday, March 15, 2012

Schools Matter: On adult education's critical role in social justice

Schools Matter: On adult education's critical role in social justice:

On adult education's critical role in social justice

Save Evans Adult School and all of LAUSD DACE Photo by Yoon Jung Lee.
Photo by Yoon Jung Lee
The essay first appeared March 13, 2012 on the National Coalition for Literacy site as part of their discussion series on "Cut the Excuses, Not Education! How Is Fighting the Proposal to Eliminate Adult Education in L.A."

The article series featured students, educators, and activists engaged in the struggle to save Los Angeles Unified School District's Division of Adult and Career Education from the designs of neoliberalism. Speaking on behalf of my fellow activists, we genuinely appreciate the National Coalition for Literacy bringing our struggle to a national audience. What happens in Los Angeles is often a bellwether, and we can only hope that our struggles won't be in vain and inspires people to stand up to what