Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Who's behind 'Stand Your Ground' and school privatization? -- ALEC

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Who's behind 'Stand Your Ground' and school privatization? -- ALEC:

Who's behind 'Stand Your Ground' and school privatization? -- ALEC

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman shines his light on the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the force behind the so-called "Stand Your Ground" law in Florida and other states. The law is now being used as the basis for the defense in the murder of Trayvon Martin. When you turn the rock over on the current wave of union-busting, anti-immigrant, and school privatization legislation being pushed in states like Virginia and Arizona, there you will find ALEC.

Writes Krugman:
Many ALEC-drafted bills pursue standard conservative goals: union-busting, undermining environmental protection, tax breaks for corporations and the